The last few days I've running some tests under the ladspa support for CLAM, based on a UnitTest (LadspaFactoryTest) that Pau gave me.<br>That leaded to some big changes in the structure.<br>The main problem was that the current factory was not compatible with what we need to wrap a ladspa plugin, so first step was to make a LadspaFactory (and later we'll merge it with the current factory somehow).
<br>On the other hand, as opposed as the current processing, Ladspa needed a little bit more information. So there's a new class called LadspaPluginExplorer which generates a structure that holds all the information needed and give it to the ProcessingTree to generate the LadspaTree (in fact, it's a use-and-trash object).
<br>Next we created two new classes, LadspaWrapper and LadspaWrapperCreator... Sure the name explains by itself, but first one it's a wrap of a ladspa plugin, and the second one it's called in the LadspaFactory to store objects with their key.
<br>I'll add the patches, but I think they may be very unstable.<br>First add the ladspa patch, and then add the processing_tree patch.<br><br>Regards,<br>Andreas<br>