<br clear="all">I have been working on a project independently. It is a sound processor<br>( coded in python ). A version of it has already been demonstrated in<br>Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences' tech fest in 2007. Though it <br>
is currently just for win32, I have been working on development for other<br>platforms.<br><br>
The most important feature of my project is that it has the capability<br>of processing sound on the fly. Hence. mixing of various media is <br>possible. Other features/ effects that it supports are: Distortion,<br>feedback effects, echo, reverb and equalization.<br>
<br>I am fluent with c++ and python, and in general with algorithms.<br><br>I'll be grateful if someone could help me out with the final proposal if this<br>
sounds good.<br>-- <br>Abhishek Batra<br>