On observing the build log:<br><br>[<br>@echo off<br>echo icon.png > .imgcol<br>C:\QT4.4.3\bin\uic.exe -embed mixxx -f .imgcol -o qmake_image_collection.cpp<br>if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError<br>goto VCEnd<br>:VCReportError<br>
echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generate imagecollection"
exit 1
<br><br>and the dependence on qmake_image_collection.cpp (in mixxx.vcproj -> Resources) indicate that the cpp file is missing from the svn checkout. I found the file on some old archives providing debug info for mixxx but they no longer can be accessed. Any ideas on how to get it / get rid of this error?<br>