Yes, That indeed was. I didn't upgrade this particular group of mingw files. The build went quite far this time....<br><br>Here is my Path, I've added what was probably missing...<br><br>$ echo $PATH<br>.:/usr/local/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/c/WINDOWS/system32:/c/WINDOWS:/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/c/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin:/c/MATLAB7013/bin/win32:/c/Python25/Scripts:/c/Python25:/c/PROGRA~1/PyGTK/GTK:/c/Python25:/c/bin:/:/c/Python25/Lib/site-packages/scons-1.2.0/SCons:/c/QT/bin:/mingw/local/bin:/mingw/local/include:/mingw/lib/gcc/mingw32/4.3.0/include:/c/Python25/Lib/site-packages:/mingw/bin:/mingw/local/lib:/mingw/local/include:/mingw/include:/mingw/lib:/usr/bin:.<br>
<br><br>... all of the above tests reported scons : configure : yes<br><br>Checking that libsndfile sample program compiles...yes<br>Checking that libsndfile sample program links...yes<br>Checking that libsndfile sample program runs... yes<br>
Checking for vorbisfile vorbisenc pkg-config file... yes<br>Checking that libogg sample program compiles...yes<br>Checking that libogg sample program links...yes<br>Checking that libogg sample program runs... yes<br>Checking that libvorbis sample program compiles...yes<br>
Checking that libvorbis sample program links...yes<br>Checking that libvorbis sample program runs... yes<br>Checking that libvorbisfile sample program compiles...yes<br>Checking that libvorbisfile sample program links...yes<br>
Checking that libvorbisfile sample program runs... yes<br>Checking for mad pkg-config file... yes<br>Checking that libmad sample program compiles...yes<br>Checking that libmad sample program links...yes<br>Checking that libmad sample program runs... yes<br>
Checking for uncompress() in C library z... yes<br>Checking for C++ header file id3.h... yes<br>Checking for ID3_Tag myTag in C++ library id3... no<br>Could not find id3lib binaries! Please check your id3lib installation<br>
Check the config.log file for details<br><br><br>I've attached the config.log . Inspite of the inclusion of string, why are memmove & memcpy being reported as declared out of scope ?<br><br>Thanks<br>Rupinder<br>