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Attached 2 small patches, one for more constness in the backend and the
second one to remove some duplicate code in the jackbackend.<br>
Regarding these duplicates, most of them stem from the fact the
operations on in/out (port, file, buffer, xyz) are almost the same (for
example: AudioSource/Sink only differ in the constness of the
float/double buffer (which is a duplicate in itself)).<br>
However, I am not quite clear on how to approach this. <br>
One solution could be to use more STL:<br>
template<typename T> struct store : std::unary_function<T,
JackConnections& store_;<br>
store(C& store) : store_(s) <br>
void operator()(T const& t)<br>
JackConnection connection;<br>
connection.processingName = t.PortName();<br>
connection.outsideConnections = jack_port_get_connections (
t.jackPort );<br>
void JACKNetworkPlayer::StoreConnections()<br>
std::for_each(_sinkJackBindings.begin(), _sinkJackBindings.end(), </small></tt><tt><small>store<SinkJackBinding></small></tt><tt><small>(_outgoingJackConnections));<br>
But this adds the overhead of having lost of function objects, although
the code now is back to one definition ...<br>
Another to leave the loop (possibly using a (boost) foreach), but to
factor out the code to one place:<br>
template<typename T>void copy(T const& t)<br>
jack_port_unregister(_jackClient, t.jackPort))<br>
void JACKNetworkPlayer::UnRegisterPorts()<br>
foreach(sinkJackBinding, </small></tt><tt><small>SinkJackBindings)</small></tt><br>
<tt><small> copy<SinkJackBinding>(</small></tt><tt><small>sinkJackBinding);</small></tt><br>
Lastly the argument could be made that as Clam places the emphasis on
In/Out being of different types the proliferation of code should be
accepted - but this kind of violates the 'dont repeat yourself' adagium.<br>
What would be preferable?<br>