Hi gang!<br><br>I have been working in the new branch in CLAM project, attempting migrate to QGraphicsView in the NetworkEditor.<br><br>The first step have been that NetworkCanvas inherit from a QGraphicsView and ProcessingBox inherit from a QGraphicsItem.<br>
<br>The second step have been to create methods to catch the new QGV events. In this moment, only works to select processings, to move processings, hover processings... and resizing processings.<br><br>Note: In the page '<a href="http://clam-project.org/wiki/Development_screenshots#Upcoming_1.4.0">http://clam-project.org/wiki/Development_screenshots#Upcoming_1.4.0</a>', you could look the progress.<br>
<br>bye!<br><br clear="all">~ Angelo Scorza ~<br>"El que no posee el don de maravillarse ni de entusiasmarse más le valdría estar muerto, porque sus ojos están cerrados." A. Einstein.<br>