Hi gang!<br><br>I have continued in the new branch 'GraphicsViewNetworkCanvas' and now, we can to connect processing using the QGV methods ;)<br><br>Note 1: In the page '<a href="http://clam-project.org/wiki/Development_screenshots#Upcoming_1.4.0" target="_blank">http://<span class="il">clam</span>-project.org/wiki/Development_screenshots#Upcoming_1.4.0</a>', you could look the progress.<br>
Note 2: In the pictures, the processing within the square are QGraphicsItem... other are painted using the old methods.<br><div style="text-align: left;" id="result_box" dir="ltr"></div><br>bye!<br><br clear="all">~ Angelo Scorza ~<br>
"El que no posee el don de maravillarse ni de entusiasmarse más le valdría estar muerto, porque sus ojos están cerrados." A. Einstein.<br>