[CLAM] compiling CLAM examples

Miguel Ramírez mramirez at iua.upf.es
Tue Nov 19 09:53:39 PST 2002

Let's see if I can be of some help...

> There are some issues with the fftw stuff:
> ../src/Processing/Analysis/FFT_rfftw.cxx: In method `bool
> CLAM::FFT_rfftw::Do(const CLAM::Audio &, CLAM::Spectrum &) const':
> ../src/Processing/Analysis/FFT_rfftw.cxx:159: passing `TData *' as
argument 2
> of `rfftw_one(fftw_plan_struct *, fftw_real *, fftw_real *)'
> ../src/Processing/Analysis/FFT_rfftw.cxx:164: passing `TData *' as
argument 2
> of `rfftw_one(fftw_plan_struct *, fftw_real *, fftw_real *)'
> ../src/Processing/Analysis/FFT_rfftw.cxx:171: passing `TData *' as
argument 2
> of `rfftw_one(fftw_plan_struct *, fftw_real *, fftw_real *)'

I can't see the error at all, please paste some more compiler output so I
see the whole picture :) But  check that both
the fftw library and CLAM are compiled using the same floating point
precission ( TData as float, fftw_real as float ).

> Also, Spectrum_example did compile, but when running I get the errors:
> An error occurred during creation of output transcoder. Msg is:
> Could not create a converter for encoding: UTF-
> An error occurred during creation of output transcoder. Msg is:
> Could not create a converter for encoding: UTF-
> An error occurred during creation of output transcoder. Msg is:
> Could not create a converter for encoding: UTF-

Baffles me. Some local Debian guru on-line?

> Also, I wonder if CLAM only works with ALSA, or also with OSS... Because
> the moment I still can't use ALSA.

Then you should try harder at having ALSA 'up and running', since there is
no OSS
support available just now.


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