[CLAM] Installing on Windows

Miguel Ramírez mramirez at iua.upf.es
Fri Sep 6 02:20:42 PDT 2002

Hi there,

> Hi !
> Not really a bug, but more a "how to" question.
> How do I currently install the CLAM library on a Win2K machine? I have
> successfully checked out the CLAM module, so that works. But I have
> with the other modules: I read in the docs about how to install on
> but I cannot check out any of the modules listed in the table that is in
> docs (xercesc-1.5.2-VC / xercesc, DXSDK-8.1-VC6 / dxsdk,
> LIBPTHREADS-WIN32-2002-03-02 / pthreads, fftw-2.1.3-VC-double / fftw (*),
> fftw-2.1.3-VC-float / fftw (*), flkt-1.0.11-VC / fltk, SoundFileIO /
> SoundFileIO).

Well, the thing is that for the first CLAM public release only Linux was
fully supported,
so many of the modules that appear on the docs are available for MTG
hidden from outside world.

Then, Windoze users will have, for now, more difficult time for getting CLAM
"up'n'running" but it can be
done. The first thing is that you have to acquire the companion libraries
elsewhere, mainly from
the projects home page that maintain and develop each lib

At http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/index.html you will able to find both the
sources and
the precompiled binaries for Xerces, the XML parser we are currently using.

At http://www.fltk.org/ you will be able to find fltk-1.0.11 sources, this
one will have
to be compiled.

At http://www.fftw.org you will find the FFTW library ( Fastest Fourier
Transform in the West ),
version 2.1.3, which, as its name stands, the fastest FFT around. There are
available both
the binaries and the sources. This one it's a bit tricky to deploy since,
for fairly obvious reasons
it can be recompiled for using single precision or ( exclusive or this one)
double precision floating
point values, so you will have to be sure which binary are you using when
linking CLAM against it.

At http://sources.redhat.com/pthreads-win32/ you will find the Win32 port of
the Linux Posix Threads
implementation ( libpthread ). There are binaries available so no compiling
needed here.
Finally you can get the DirectX SDK from the Micro$oft website itself. Note
that this one is a hefty
download ( above 100 Megs ), which is really a pain, since we just need 1/4
of the functionality
featured by Micro$oft API. I dunno if there is available for downloading a
version without the samples
and other varied, completely useless, crap.

> If I try to check out SoundFileIO for example (using
> :pserver:anonymous at mtg150.upf.es:/cvsroot and module SoundFileIO); I get
> messages:
> "cvs server: cannot find module `SoundFileIO' - ignored
> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot expand modules
> Error, CVS operation failed"
> Must be doing something wrong here...
> Do I need a password after all?

We will make available as soon as possible the sources publicly, with Visual
C workspaces for
Windoze users convenience.

Once you have all the binaries ( either downloaded or compiled by you ) you
should deploy
them following the sandbox directory convention. Don't forget to have the
dll's on somewhere
pointed by your PATH environment variable.

You may find that this is an awful lot of work for just having a library
working on Windoze, but
it is already a hard environment for developing "weird" software. Nonethless
the Windoze support
department is devising ways to ease the CLAM deployment on that platform,
but I don't know
when we will come across such a smart, easy, fast solution (and GPL

However, note that we are more than used to this, so if any problem arises
you can find us here
at the mailing list.


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