[CLAM] New release 0.5.2

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Fri Aug 1 08:53:27 PDT 2003

Release 0.5.2 of the CLAM framework has just been available for
you through our webpage (www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam).

Main changes in this release are:

- Fixed some critical bugs in SMSTools plus added more control to
Morph transformation and other interface goodies.
- Fixed a critical bug on previous version of SpectralPeakDetect.
- Added the new Ooura FFT algorithm.

Please read the changelog for more details.

        Xavier Amatriain
      Music Technology Group
     Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    xavier.amatriain at iua.upf.es

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