[CLAM] fftw library (double precision) not found

Vegard Sandvold vegardsa at ifi.uio.no
Sat May 17 10:25:39 PDT 2003

On Fri, 16 May 2003, Albert Mora wrote:

> Vegard Sandvold <vegardsa at ifi.uio.no> escrigué:

> Is FFTW supposed to be a part of the CLAM release? Or is it lacking
> from my Red Hat installation?

It seems that you must install it...

OK, but which version of FFTW do I install? Version 3 is, as I said
previously, incompatible with version 2. Which one is compatible with



Albert J. MORA - MTG / IUA / UPF - PLUG
phone: +34 93542.2199
email: amora at iua.upf.es
wpage: http://www.iua.upf.es/~amora

 Vegard Sandvold
 M.Sc. Student
 Department of Informatics
 University of Oslo
 E-mail: mailto:vegardsa at ifi.uio.no
 Web:    http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~vegardsa

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