[CLAM] Configure-ing CLAM (2)

Nacho Lasheras fanatiko at usermail.com
Tue Oct 7 12:23:44 PDT 2003

I'm having problems with CLAM too ... 

I have created a Sandbox for CLAM 0.5.3. The directory structure is the
drwxr-xr-x    7 nacho users   4096 2003-10-06 16:20 CLAM-0.5.3
drwxr-xr-x    2 nacho users   4096 2003-10-07 20:31 fltk
lrwxr-xr-x    1 nacho users      9 2003-10-07 20:31 qt -> /usr/qt/3
drwxr-xr-x    8 nacho users   4096 2003-10-07 21:01 xercesc

I've used the tips from the messages of Xavi to make the script detect
FLTK and QT. To create the script I used the command autoconf-2.57, but
it gives me 2 error messages:

checking for fltk headers; looking relative to CLAM... yes
./configure: line 1: ../../fltk/fltk-config: No existe el fichero o el
./configure: line 2700: test: =: unary operator expected
checking for fltk library (and other fltk required)...... yes:

I've downloaded xerces-c 1.7 from the official page and it was a binari
distribution, but It doesn't works. What version it's the correct to

If I configure CLAM with --disable-xml the script finishes well. 

I tried some examples, and I couldn't compile all. But AudioIO gives me
this error when I execute it:
################### ASSERTION FAILED #####################
At file ../../../../src/Processing/Base/Processing.cxx line 139
Error in processing object TopLevel.Audio_IO_Example.input:
Start(): Object failed to start properly.
 Nested error: ALSAAudioDevice::Start(): Failed to create PCM device.
 Nested error:
`trap' para punto de parada/seguimiento

I can't compile SMS Tools neither. 

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