Miguel Ramírez Jávega mramirez at iua.upf.es
Tue Oct 7 06:27:08 PDT 2003

En/na Cumhur Erkut ha escrit:

>When working with SMSTools precompiled GUI version, the analysis data (.xml
>or .sdif) can be saved, loaded, and resynthesized fine. But when I load SMS
>Analysis Data and try to view the Analysis Results, the frame data option
>gets disabled, and there is no way for visual inspection without doing the
>analysis again. Is this the way it should work?
It is sort of a "feature" that will be fixed in next SMS Tools releases. 
Hopefully next one ;)

>OS: Win98 [Not listed in supported OS choices, but works fine otherwise]
>SMS Tools 2 v.0.1.2
Nice to hear it works also under Win98. We will therefore add it to the 
list of currently supported platforms :)

Thanks for your feedback,


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