[CLAM] Errors in custom build step on Windows

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Tue Sep 23 07:46:40 PDT 2003

In order to check whether, as Miguel says, the problem is in srcdeps is 
that you compile a dsp project file as is, whithout re-generating the 
project. For doing so just go to /build/Examples/SMS/Tools (for example)
open the dsp, exclude srcdeps from build (right clicking on the file in 
the project view) and compile. The project should infact compile as is,
without even using srcdeps in Visual C++.


mramirez at iua.upf.es wrote:
>>I've just downloaded and installed CLAM-0.5.2 and the libraries it depends
>>on and placed them in the 'sandbox' directories as described in the online
>>documentation.  srcdeps.exe built successfully and I modified the project
>>directory settings in VC++ as described.  Unfortunately, whenever I try to
>>build any other project, I get errors similar to the following during the
>>custom build step:
>>(First I see this warning:)
>>Warning: unused variable USE_QT
> Don't worry about these, they are pretty harmless ( under Windows ).
>>../../../src\Base/DynamicType.cxx 6 36
>>Error: Unterminated preprocessor conditions
>>../../../src\Errors/ErrOutOfMemory.cxx 7 38
>>../../../src\Storage\XML/XMLStorage.cxx 8 38
>>No matter which program I attempt to compile, I get a few of the
>>"Unterminated preprocessor conditions" error.
>>Anyone aware of there being a problem?  Did I miss a step during setup of
> Hi Devin,
> In principle, you should not pay attention to those errors: the problem is
> not in the code but in srcdeps, since it doesn't support fully all
> possible combinations of C preprocessor macros.
> However we have detected that, when CLAM XML facilities are activated (by
> setting the CLAM_USE_XML variable to one), no .dsp file gets produced - no
> message appears on VC IDE telling you that "someone has changed the
> current project from outside the IDE" and asking you about reloading it.
> It is that your case?
> Thank you for your feedback,
> Miguel.
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*     Xavier Amatriain
*   Music Technology Group
*  Universitat Pompeu Fabra
* http://iua.upf.es/mtg/~xamat

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