[CLAM] (no subject)

Francois Thibault francois.thibault at mail.mcgill.ca
Mon Apr 12 15:08:11 PDT 2004


Matlab indeed will let you read (and write XML files) through 'xmlread' 
and 'xmlwrite'. You may then browse through (and parse) the data if you 
are an XML wiz (which I am not). I used to do this at some point but I 
am now using binary (much faster) SDIF files with IRCAM Matlab SDIF 
tools (http://www.ircam.fr/anasyn/sdif/download/sdif-matlab/). Very 
straight forward since we have the sources to all of this...

Just my 2 cents...

On Apr 12, 2004, at 5:39 AM, xamat at iua.upf.es wrote:

> Hello,
> SMS allows to store the analysis result in SDIF and XML. I am not sure 
> but
> I think that Matlab should be able to import XML in some way as it is a
> standard tagged format. If not, a conversion from XML to Matlab text
> format should not very difficult with a script.
>> Hi,
>> I'm using SMS to analyze a set of percussive, inharmonic, signals.
>> In the old SMS versions I used there was a function that allowed 
>> exporting
>> analysis data in matlab ready format. I can't find such a 
>> functionality in
>> the
>> new version.
>> Does anyone have a piece of code for this?
>> Thanks a lot,
>>    Bruno
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Bruno L. Giordano - Ph. D. student
>> Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale
>> Via Venezia 8 - 35131 Padova, Italy
>> currently hosted by:
>> Equipe Perception et Cognition Musicales
>> Ircam-CNRS (UMR 9912)
>> 1 place Igor-Stravinsky
>> F-75004 Paris, France
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>    Xavier Amatriain
>  Music Technology Group
> Universitat Pompeu Fabra
>  www.iua.upf.es/~xamat
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