[CLAM] Windows XP Compile Problems

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.es
Tue Aug 3 08:53:28 PDT 2004

Hello Chris

> Also, after the project has compiled I get a message saying that the
> project has been modified outside the environment and asking me if I
> want to reload it. If I click OK the load process fails as the new
> project is for VC++ 7.1 which VC++ 7.0 cannot load.

The problems you report are caused because CLAM don't support VC++ 7.0 (but does it for 7.1) 

As far as I know, VC++ 7.1 comes with a totally rewrited and standard compliant standard library.

Hopefully you can upgrade your Visual (or better: change to GNU/Linux) and get CLAM to work

pau @ clamdevel

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