[CLAM] Re. New SMSBatch

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Thu Jul 29 06:52:18 PDT 2004

> I don't think the latter will work because in SMSMorph you don't use
> "BPFAmount".  I tried simply
> mConfig.GetHybBPF().UpdateSplineTable()

You're right, went too fast ;)

> which compiled with no errors.
> Will I need to put in a similar line for each element of SMSMorph, such
> as
> mConfig.GetSynchronizeTime().UpdateSplineTable()
> for each one I may want to use?  My guess is yes, since each one behaves
> like one BPFAmount - I will try it out in a moment.

You are right again.

********* Xavier Amatriain ********
****** Music Technology Group *****
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
****** www.iua.upf.es/~xamat ******

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