[CLAM] [Fwd: smstools and OSX]

Adrian satch_melvin at yahoo.es
Tue Jun 29 01:22:01 PDT 2004

Hi, I have an iBook G4 with Mac Ox X 10.3 and SMSTools works well.
Maybe you should get the sources and compile it under Mac Os X 10.2 
(you'll need some libs, see in the clam documentation page and in 
download page).
This is the best way, i think.

Xavier Amatriain wrote:

>I forward your question to the CLAM Mailing list.
>-----Forwarded Message-----
>>From: blixton <blixton at aromabar.com>
>>To: xamat at iua.upf.es
>>Subject: smstools and OSX
>>Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 02:40:54 -0400
>>I tried to run smstools in my powerbook 400, running OSX ver 10.2,
>>but it tries to start and disappears.
>>Do I need to update my OSX version?
>>Do you know what could be the problem?

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