[CLAM] the CLAM-devel web

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.es
Wed May 26 09:01:46 PDT 2004

Hi all !

After Xavier's mail on "success stories", here comes another mail to announce 
new actions in the line of promoting a ''clamming community''.

We've created a new space (the "devel" section) in our web with information 
about the general direction that CLAM development is taking, the more 
specific tasks, the proposals documents, and how all the ongoing progress is 
taking place. We hope you'll find it quite interesting.

CLAM users might be wondering about the tasks the devel team is working on (or 
if they are working at all!). Or even wondering about master lines for the 
future releases. Having visibility, somehow, on both future lines and the 
ongoing progress could be very interesting. Specially for users waiting for 
specific features to be added to CLAM, but also for us (the devel team), 
since that could encourage users to give us concrete feedback: which new 
features/fixes are interesting and wich are not, which have the highest 
priority, etc.

In the CLAM web you'll find this new ''devel'' section :
http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam/devel  (This is the first version, we expect to 
keep it evolving).

There you'll find a the development roadmap, with the main current and future 
lines of development, and how this is articulated with the more concrete 
"tories": the iteration planning and the progress of current iteration (with 
a bar chart). You'll see that we are using an eXtreme-Programming-inspired 
planning process (small iterations of 2 weeks, with stories that represents 
small chunks of progress). 

We recommend to visit now and then the iteration-progress chart, we keep it 
updated every day!

pau at clamdevel

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