[CLAM] Troubles installing CLAM on RedHat 9 (fftw &libmad)

f.rampo at libero.it f.rampo at libero.it
Wed May 26 14:01:22 PDT 2004

Hi! I'm having troubles installing CLAM on a RedHat 9 linux distribution. Could
you help me?

I installed exactly:
* alsalib
* fftw 2.1.5, both float and double version (configure; make clean; make; make
install; configure --enable-type-prefix --enable-float; make clean; make; make
* fltk 1.1.5rc1
* id3lib
* libmad 0.15.1b (configure; make clean; make; make install)
* OggVorbis (already installed)
* Qt 3.3.2 (already installed in RedHat)
* XercesC 2.3.0 (export XERCESCROOT=...; autoconf; runConfigure -plinux -cgcc
-xg++ -minmem -nsocket -tnative -rpthread; make; make install)
* OpenGL seemed to be installed already (/usr/include/GL, /usr/lib/libGL*).

The problems are:
1) CLAM "configure" script doesn't recognize the presence of FFTW and libmad.

FFTW: looking in the config.log file, I saw that it stops trying to link a
program like this:
#include <fftw.h>
int main(void)
(undefined reference to fftw_sizeof_fftw_real). Note that the libfftw* &
libsfftw* libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib, that
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib, that /etc/ld.so.conf contains /usr/local/lib,
and that this source compiles and links correctly out of the "configure" script.

LIBMAD: the "configure" script complains about a "mad.pc" file that I couldn't
find anywhere, even in the site from which I downloaded libmad.

2) Suppressing the tests for 1) fftw and 2) libmad (in configure.in),
"configure" terminates "correctly". Now the first example Examples/SMS compiles
OK but (obviously) links bad, due to undefined references to 1) fftw, 2) libmad,
but also 3) "Fl_*" (FLTK? or CLAM methods?) and 4) gl* (openGL?).

I should use CLAM for my thesis, but I can't succeed in installing it (and I
don't want to use visual studio). Please! Can you help me?

Thank you in advance,

Federico Ramponi 
<rampo at dei.unipd.it>
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'informazione, Universita` di Padova

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