[CLAM] RE: installation of oscpack

xavier oliver duocastella xavier.oliver01 at campus.upf.es
Tue Aug 2 18:14:50 PDT 2005

Hi Jay,

as the responsible of having libosc inside CLAM I'll guide you. I will be following a step-by-step console friendly process :)

1-Download libospack.tar.gz from CLAM webpage's download section.

$wget http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam/download/liboscpack.tar.gz

2-Uncompress it
$ tar zrf libospack.tar.gz

3-Compile it
$ cd libospack; make

4-Get super-user powers with 'su' or 'sudo' and install
$ make install

Now the compiled library and header should be in /usr/lib and /usr/include.

As the installation process upgrades ld information (what libraries are available) clam has to locate it immediately after step 4. But sometimes it only recognizes libospack after a reboot or some strange process. Should this happen, you only need to do an 'ldconfig /usr/lib' just to ensure it has been recognised.

Hope it'll work perfectly!

Best regards,


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