[CLAM] SMSTools compile problem

Georg Holzmann georg.holzmann at student.kug.ac.at
Sat Dec 10 11:31:24 PST 2005


I'm new to CLAM (as you might guess ;) and wanted to follow the tutorial, but I didn't manage to compile the SMSTools (on debian sid linux).

First I downloaded CLAM-0.9.0-pre1, configured it, build some examples ... no problem.

Then I tried to follow the tutorial and didn't find the /examples/SMS folder, so I downloaded SMSTools2_CLAM-0.9.0-pre1 but didn't managed to compile it:

- the directory structure is like that:
      |-- CLAM
      |-- SMSTools2-0.9.0-pre1

- I edited SMSTools2-0.9.0-pre1/build/clam-location.cfg (absolute path) and make depend was sucesfull

- make CONFIG=release gave me lots of errors, all of not finding headers:

root at holzi:/home/holzi/progamming/CLAM_stuff/SMSTools2-0.9.0-pre1/build/Tools# make CONFIG=release
== compiling ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx
In file included from ../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:27,
                 from ../..//src/SMSTools.hxx:4,
                 from ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx:22:
../..//src/SerializationController.hxx:22:25: error: CLAM/Enum.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from ../..//src/SerializationController.hxx:23,
                 from ../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:27,
                 from ../..//src/SMSTools.hxx:4,
                 from ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx:22:
../..//src/XMLSerializer.hxx:27:31: error: CLAM/XMLStorage.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from ../..//src/SerializationController.hxx:24,
                 from ../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:27,
                 from ../..//src/SMSTools.hxx:4,
                 from ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx:22:
../..//src/SDIFSerializer.hxx:26:27: error: CLAM/SDIFIn.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../..//src/SDIFSerializer.hxx:27:28: error: CLAM/SDIFOut.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from ../..//src/SMSTools.hxx:4,
                 from ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx:22:
../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:29:39: error: CLAM/SMSSynthesisConfig.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:30:38: error: CLAM/SMSAnalysisConfig.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
In file included from ../..//src/SMSBase.hxx:31,
                 from ../..//src/SMSTools.hxx:4,
                 from ../..//src/mainSMSTools.cxx:22:
../..//src/SMSAnalysisSynthesisConfig.hxx:25:37: error: CLAM/ProcessingConfig.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../..//src/SMSAnalysisSynthesisConfig.hxx:26:37: error: CLAM/EPhaseGeneration.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../..//src/SMSAnalysisSynthesisConfig.hxx:27:29: error: CLAM/Filename.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
../..//src/SMSAnalysisSynthesisConfig.hxx:28:32: error: CLAM/GlobalEnums.hxx: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden


(sorry, this is german, but it means that the headers are not found !)

So, do you have a suggestion, how I can set the paths correctly ? 
(well, I tried it for some, but there are so many ...)

Thanks for any hint,

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