[CLAM] Preview release of CLAM 0.8.0

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.es
Thu Jun 9 10:11:41 PDT 2005

   June 9th, 2005
   Preview release of CLAM 0.8.0

   http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam (download)

   This release will be very close to the final 0.8.0 release, but we
   have not tested under Windows and Mac OS X yet. And some minor
   bug fixes will be needed.

   On the other hand, there is a lot of new features that makes
   interesting the change from CLAM 0.7 right now. In a nutshell :
     * Rappid application-prototyping. Build a CLAM application in two
       easy steps: Designing the processing network with the
       NetworkEditor and the application GUI using QtDesigner and the
       CLAM plugin featuring widgets for visualizing streaming data.
     * Annotator. Another new CLAM application. It is a manual edition
       tool in which you can visualize and edit low-level and high-level
       descriptors of virtually any kind, segmentation marks.. The idea
       is to offer a tool for fine-tuning, visualizing, editing and
       testing description extraction algorithms.
     * Enhanced CLAM Networks. NetworkEditor can run SMS transformations
       in streaming. Moreover the processing network can receive controls
       from Open Sound Control (OSC) messages and translate outcoming
       controls to OSC messages.
     * QtPlots. Now features editable segmentation marks on all the
       plots, a break-point-function editor with auralization, a
       spectrogram plot and other goodies.

   For details in CLAM-specific new features, please refere to the
   ChangeLog (http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam/ChangeLog.html)

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