[CLAM] precompiled CLAM SALTO

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Thu Mar 24 15:54:02 PST 2005

We don't have SALTO compiled for Windows but we could very easily get one
for you. Please get in touch with Alfonso (aperez at iua.upf.es) who is now
working with it and has just told me he could get you one.

> Hi All,
> I don't suppose anyone has a spare version of SALTO  compiled for XP that
> I could get my hands on. I'm not really up on c++ compilation and the
> whole procedure really scares me at the moment. Incidentally I can't find
> CSaltodefines.hxx anywhere...could some one point it out to me?
> thanks,
>     francois

   Xavier Amatriain
 Music Technology Group
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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