[CLAM] Linking xerces in .NET

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Fri May 13 07:54:06 PDT 2005

Asking for something to make sense in M$'s environments is too much ;) I
recently had to work a few days with Visual Studio .Net and run into
similar problems. Most of them, though, are due to the environment not
realizing that the projects settings have been modified from outside
(i.e. srcdeps). Usually if you follow this process whenever changing
settings it will work:

- Close Microsoft.Net
- Delete any trace of Microsoft in your build directory ;) (I mean
those .sln and donowhat files that are added there by the environment)
- run srcdeps from the command prompt
- Open the newly generated project from the environment
- Recompile everything

I know it is not a very "clean" solution but you shouldn't be changing
your settings so often, so...

It would be nice if you could try this and report back.

El dv 13 de 05 del 2005 a les 09:56 +0200, en/na Vegard Sandvold va
> Hi,
> at the moment I'm developing a CLAM app in Visual Studio .NET, and I run
> into a problem when I compile with XML support.
> The linker complains horribly about unresolved symbols. It seems to me
> that it is nessessary to define the xerces .lib files as "additional
> dependencies" (I don't remember the field exactly) together with the FFTW
> lib files in the project properties. At least then the problem goes away.
> Does this make sense?
> Cheers!
> Vegard
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********* Xavier Amatriain ********
****** Music Technology Group *****
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
****** www.iua.upf.es/~xamat ******

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