[CLAM] Help with AudioCircularBuffer

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.es
Fri May 13 03:08:31 PDT 2005

Could you give more details of what troubles you are running into? I.e.
What configurations are you trying and what assertions you are getting.

The AudioCircularBuffer is a "regular" circular buffer with phantom
zone. The only rule here is that you need to write at least as many
samples as you will read in every step and you need a buffer at least as
large as the maximum number of unread samples that you will have. Also,
the read index can never surpass the write index.

Nevertheless, the AudioCircularBuffer is a class that can almost be
marked as "deprecated" as we tend to use In and Outport for these
purposes. That is why you can find no examples in the repository.

El dv 13 de 05 del 2005 a les 10:03 +0200, en/na Vegard Sandvold va
> Hi,
> can someone on the clam team explain to me how to use the
> AudioCircularBuffer object properly? I have tried different configurations
> of buffer sizes and read and write sizes, but I keep running into
> assertion failures. There is no usage examples in the clam sources that I
> can find. Anyone?
> Thanks!
> Vegard
********* Xavier Amatriain ********
****** Music Technology Group *****
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
****** www.iua.upf.es/~xamat ******

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