[CLAM] Downgrading DirectX for installation

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Wed Oct 5 16:50:06 PDT 2005

Actually I think you should be able to do even without DirectX SDK at 
all as long as you use RtAudio (default) or PortAudio.

But the best way to find out is to try it out and report back to the list :)

jburke at cs.kent.edu wrote:
> I noticed in the user documentation that I need to have these:
> PortMIDI
> Win32 Pthreads
> Microsoft DirectX SDK 8.1
> in order to deploy CLAM on a Windows machine.  I was wondering, if I have
> a higher version of DirectX SDK, say 9.0, do I need to downgrade it? 
> Normally, I would not ask but the documentation does not say "or later".
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  *          Xavier Amatriain   		  *
  *          Research Director 		  *
  *  		  CREATE		  *
  * University of California Santa Barbara *

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