[CLAM] SMSTools / Network Editor - crashes

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Tue Oct 18 16:29:15 PDT 2005

Hi Jay,

You are probably right, it sounds like you have some problems with the 
ALSA configuration. Don't you get some sort of message saying something 
like "No Device available...". Is alsa well configured in your system? 
Do you have any program that might be blocking the ALSA driver while you 
are trying to execute CLAM? Did the output of the CLAM configure script 
tell you that you had ALSA correctly installed?

Jay LeBoeuf wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm probably missing something simple.  CLAM, SMSTools, and the 
> NetworkEditor all seem to build without error.
> SMSTools crashes when I try to play any audio, after analyzing it.
> Additionally, my machine locks and freezes when I tell the NetworkEditor 
> to START.  
> (This occurs without any blocks,  or if I configure a simple spectral 
> processing block.)
> Is there a step to configure the CLAM Apps for ALSA that I'm missing?
> thanks again,
> -Jay

  *          Xavier Amatriain   		  *
  *          Research Director 		  *
  *  		  CREATE		  *
  * University of California Santa Barbara *

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