[CLAM] Re: CLAM digest, Vol 1 #235 - 2 msgs

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.es
Mon Feb 13 06:05:40 PST 2006

Hi Stephane,
thanks for your reports

En/na Stephane LETZ ha escrit:
> 1) I tried to recompile CLAM-Voice2MIDI-0.3.0 without sucess. 

I already noticed this problem (that's why I did't upload the
voice2midi dmg for the release).

I think tomorrow I'll have some time to spend on the mac.
(Or maybe Xavier can have a look)

> 2) I have a weird behaviour when using the CLAM network editor.  
> Starting the Network (Start Network in Network Actions menu) just  hang 
> the machine during several second, up to stopping running audio/ video 
> applications... as if something very heavy was done in a real- time thread.

Really? Tomorrow i'll try to reproduce it.
Have you tried NetworkEditor as jack client?
NetworkEditor -d jack

You'll need to create external sources and sinks in your patch, 
like this: 


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