[CLAM] There may be a bug in "audio.cxx"

Xavier Amatriain xamat at iua.upf.edu
Wed Jul 19 02:50:27 PDT 2006

Hi Gu,

Nice way to introduce yourself to the list, with a bug in the guts of 

This code is rather obscure, I have problems  guessing it myself, but as 
far as I can
tell there is no such bug.

The issue is that the last index is non-inclusive. So if you  have 
beginIndex=0 and endIndex=10
it means that you want to copy from 0 to 9, but not 10 (I know we should 
look for a better name
for the argument).

You say that in your code you have:


but in my local file I see:


Maybe you have a different version of CLAM?

In any case, thanks for the feedback and we will look further into it.

Neediss Gu wrote:
> line 163:
> //////////////////////////
> if(endIndex>=GetSize())
>  {
>   TSize ending=endIndex-GetSize();
>   memset(chunk.GetBuffer().GetPtr()+GetSize()-beginIndex 
> ,0,ending*sizeof(TData));
>   endIndex=GetSize();
>  }
> nBytesToCopy=(endIndex-beginIndex+1)*sizeof(double);
> //////////////////////////
> Maybe it should be changed to the following
> if(endIndex>=GetSize())
>  {
>   TSize ending=endIndex-GetSize()+1;
>   memset(chunk.GetBuffer().GetPtr()+GetSize()-beginIndex 
> +offset,0,ending*sizeof(TData));
>   endIndex=GetSize();
>  }
> and  : size=endIndex-beginIndex; -> size=endIndex-beginIndex+1.
> -- 
> Gu Renmin (Charles Neediss)
> Image, Graph, Video, Speech, Audio, ...
> CS Dept. of Tongji University, Shanghai, China
> Cell:   +(86) 13816064123
> Work hard, work smart!!!

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