[CLAM] A couple of news

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.es
Mon Mar 13 07:28:36 PST 2006

The news section in our web have been updated with a
couple of entries.


March 13th, 2006
Interview to Xavier Amatriain in LaFarga.org

LaFarga.org[1] have published a long interview[2] to Xavier 
Amatriain about free sofware topics and CLAM. It's only in

March 9th, 2006
CLAM web has been reworked

Although the overall appearance of the web remains almost the 
same, we have cleaned all the html, so it's much easier to change 
and keep updated. You'll probably need to force reload the pages 
from your browser.

Pau @ clam devel

1. http://www.lafarga.org/
2. http://www.lafarga.org/node/1088

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