[CLAM] Re: Welcome to the "CLAM" mailing list

Fabio Furlanete ffurlanete at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 19:56:20 PDT 2007

Hi list

First of all, thank you for the amazing framework. We are using it in
our lab at UNICAMP/Brasil and we are impressed with it.

I have two newby questions:
1) I can read mono audio files with MultiChannelAudioFileReader but I
can't write them with MultiChannelAudioFileWriter. When I've tried to
do this I've got a segfault. The code is attached. Is it correct? I'm
using the deb package for (k)ubuntu feisty.
2) What is the standard interface to read and write files:
MultiChannel/MonoAudioFileReader/Writer or AudioFileIn/Out? Why are
there two different interfaces?

Thanks in advance,
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