[CLAM] Problems using jackdmp instead of jackd on OSX

Stéphane Letz letz at grame.fr
Sat Feb 3 12:49:53 PST 2007

Le 3 févr. 07 à 21:12, David García Garzón a écrit :

> Hi, Stephane.
> If i am not wrong, jackdump is working on our three supported  
> platforms.


> Which
> platform are you talking about?


> - Linux: it shoud be dynamically linked
> - Windows: jack support is disabled
> - Mac: is linked dynamically but the library is packaged on the  
> bundle. The
> effect is like static linking but you could change the bundle.

OK. Redirecting to the libjackmp.dylib solved the problem (well I  
have some problem with mp3 files later on, playing too slow...)
> We have not tested jackdmp, so any information you could provide is  
> wellcome.

It seems to work, but what would be the good what to package CLAM then?


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