[CLAM] Clam Annotator Crash on XP

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Mon Feb 19 08:46:03 PST 2007

We moved recently to a different lab, and our Windows box is still at the old 
lab. We can not access it to do testing, just remote binary building. So we 
are pending to deploy a new Windows machine but this will get some time.

The only thing i could tell you meanwhile is to use any previous release of 
the Annotator which are known to be working in windows. In fact, the added 
features since 0.3.3 have been not that many.

Please, report us whether those versions work for you or not so we could 
locate which changes affected you.


On Monday 19 February 2007 07:38:00 Andy Koh wrote:
> Dear All,
> I downloaded the CLAM Annotator 0.3.6 for Windows. After installing
> it into my Windows XP SP2 system, I ran it and loaded the chrods.pro
> sample file.
> Whenever I click on an mp3 song there, the whole program crashes. I
> tried adding my own songs and the system instantly crashes as well
> when I click on any of the song names at the Song Descriptors tab.
> Below is the initial console output when I start the program:
> Initiating processing module...done!
> Initiating audio module...done!
> Object::connect: No such slot Annotator::whatsThis()
> Object::connect:  (sender name:   'helpWhatsThisAction')
> Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Annotator')
> Object::connect: No such signal CLAM::VM::BPFPlayer::stopTime(double)
> Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Annotator')
> Project file: C:/Program Files/CLAM/Annotator/example-data/Chords.pro
> at Base C:
> /Program Files/CLAM/Annotator/example-data
> Saving previous song descriptors...
> Adapting Interface to Song level descriptors...
> Adapting Interface to Frame level descriptors...
> Adapting Interface to Segmentations...
> Adding segmentation: 'Chords_Harte'
> Adding segmentation: 'DebugFrameSegments'
> Updating schema browser...
> Creating instant views...
> And after I click on the MP3 song, the program crashes and shows the
> following console output:
> User interface adapted to the new schema.
> Saving previous song descriptors...
> Loading descriptors...
> Filling global descriptors...
> Refressing song data...
> Drawing audio...
> AudioLoader 0 created...
> Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
> exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
> reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.
> Can you please advise on how to fix the problem? Your assistance is
> greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Andy.
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