SV: Re: [CLAM] Network Editor: Looks fine but no action/sound?

Johan Ekenberg johan at
Sun Feb 25 13:33:01 PST 2007

> Johan Ekenberg wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > After successfully building/installing CLAM + NetworkEditor on Gentoo Linux, I launch NetworkEditor. It looks good, but I can't get anything really working. I've tried all the examples. NetworkEditor says it's Playing through Jack. The connections in qjackctl look fine. Other applications work with Jack. But NetworkEditor is completely silent and doesn't appear to be doing anything. No error messages, no warnings, just silence. Also Graphical Monitors like Vumeters or Oscilloscopes show no trace of any signal processing going on, regardless of trying to play the supplied example-files, other audio files or receiving input from the microphone.
> >
> > I also tried Alsa (shutting down Jack and restarting NetworkEditor), but no luck there either.
> >
> > What can I do, I have no idea where to debug this?

> What if you try a very simple example without input like the FilePlayer? 

That's the first example I tried, and I've tried it various times.

> What if you add an Oscilloscope to the FilePlayer?

No change, there seems to be absolutely nothing going on.

> Btw, are you compiling the latest version from svn?

No, this is the latest stable version from the homepage. The about-page says "Network editor version 0.4.4~svn09702 + CLAM 0.99.0~svn09702"

David Garcia sent an extensive response, I'll follow that up with more details!


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