[CLAM] request

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed Jun 13 06:11:11 PDT 2007

En/na abe ha escrit:
> Hi Liviu,
> If you need to calculate acoustic similarity, you can use dynamic time 
> warping (DTW, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_time_warping ), which 
> basically windows the speech from the target and test files, extracts 
> features for each frame, and aligns them in the best possible way.  The 
> algorithm defines a cost for insertion and deletion of frames and the 
> similarity of the features, so the overall cost (or the cost normalized 
> for the length of the file) provides a good measure for difference.  
> There's other refinements to the algorithm.
> Clam can do the feature extraction, but I'm not sure if there's the dtw 
> algorithm (I'm in the process of learning clam so I'm not an expert), so 
> that might be something you'll have to do yourself.  I've used this 
> methodology for comparing accents (native speaker vs non-native speaker 
> reading the same sentences).   Back then I used HTK for the feature 
> extraction and a perl script for the dtw.
> Hope this helps and maybe stimulates more ideas for doing it with clam...

Abe, I found your explanation very interesting.
As you imagine, Clam does not have a DTW, though it would suit
quite well to the framework.


> Abe

> David García Garzón wrote:
>> Hi, Liviu.
>> Do you mean speech recognition? Speaker recognition? Just sound 
>> classification? Which is the concrete use case? I am not sure of what 
>> you mean but your statement seems too general to be achieved. 
>> Depending on your purpose you might be in a research bleeding edge, 
>> specially if you go to the semantic level.
>> CLAM currently has no sound classification system but it has many of 
>> the building blocks such systems use. That's better than starting from 
>> scratch.
>> A new document we added to the wiki [1] gives you an overview on the 
>> steps to get introduced into CLAM:
>> [1] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Approaching_CLAM
>> If you need more help, just ask.
>> On Tuesday 12 June 2007 16:44:20 Liviu Macoviciuc wrote:
>>>  I am a newbie to CLAM and I don' t understand much.
>>> However, I need to write a program that says if 2 audio files are 
>>> distinct
>>> For example, a file might contain a voice saying "I am John", and 
>>> another
>>> file the same voice  or another voice saying "I am Bill"
>>> Can anybody help me to get started ?!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Liviu
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