[CLAM] Re: [SMSBatch] how to compile

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed Mar 7 07:42:42 PST 2007

> En/na giacomo.sommavilla ha escrit:
>> We just reached a slightly more stable version of our project, but 
>> still we miss to update the CLAM version we are using (it is still 
>> 0.6.1!!)

yes please update, because we can't provide support for very old versions.
and your project is indeed very interesting for clam-devs!

>> We work on debian "etch" and we wanted to compile the last SMSbatch 
>> version (in order to generate .sdif files), but we weren't able.
>> We succeed to compile SMStools, but we don't know how to configure 
>> SCons for compiling the batch version.

right. there wasn't such option till 5 minutes ago, so update (or 
checkout) svn
$ svn co http://iua-share.upf.edu/svn/clam/trunk clam

and follow CLAM/INSTALL
then execute scons in SMSTools and this will compile both SMSTools and 

>> we followed these steps:
>> ·) We added the right lines in the debian-repository in 
>> "/etc/apt/sources.list"
>> ·) $ apt-get update
>> ·) $ apt-get install scons
>> ·) $ apt-get install libclam-dev
>> ·) we downloaded the last version of sms tools (0.4.5)
>> ·) $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc (this generated correctly 
>> the deb package of smstools)
>> Can you give us some hints?
yesterday we found that ubuntu packages where broken (probably debian
as well), so don't use packages till we fix them (this will happen soon)


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