[CLAM] NetworkEditor building problems

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Sat Mar 10 19:05:06 PST 2007

On Dissabte 10 Març 2007, Tim Blechmann wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 21:55 +0100, David García Garzón wrote:
> > That's seems like QTDIR is not the proper one. Which linux flavor are
> > your
> > running? That folder should contain 'lib', 'bin' and 'include'
> > folders, with
> > qt4 related libraries, headers (inside folders Qt/QtCore/QtGui/...)
> > and
> > binaries. QTDIR for some platforms are:
> > - FC6: /usr
> > - Debian/Ubuntu: /usr/share/qt4 (although it should work with QTDIR
> > undefined)
> > - SuSe: /usr/lib/qt4 (not completely sure of that one)
> hm ... i'm on gentoo, the qt3 is located in /usr/qt/3,
> for qt4 there seem to be different locations:
> libs: /usr/lib/qt4
> includes: /usr/include/qt4
> demos/examples...: /usr/share/qt4
> the default QTDIR is set to /usr/qt/3, to build clam, i've set it
> to /usr/lib/qt4 ...
> cheers ... tim

Well, distributions normally do some links engineering to place things where 
they are suposed to be for the distro and they still keep some QTDIR with all 
the needed stuff. For examples, in Debian, qt4 headers are 
at /usr/include/qt4, libraries at /usr/lib... but they keep a directory 
at /usr/share/qt4 with links to the proper places just in case you need to a 
QTDIR dependant task. Is it possible that Gentoo does the same thing?

David García Garzón
(Work) dgarcia at iua dot upf anotherdot es
(Home) vokimon at telefonica adot net
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