[CLAM] Problems with MultiChannelAudioFileWriter

Fabio Furlanete ffurlanete at gmail.com
Sun May 6 00:05:03 PDT 2007

2007/5/6, Xavier Amatriain <xavier at create.ucsb.edu>:
> Fabio Furlanete wrote:
> > Now we have two projects using CLAM: one about network sound games and
> > another about sound synthesis with artificial neural networks.
> Fabio, that sounds like very interesting work! As soon as you have
> something to link to
> please add it to our reference list:
> http://iua-share.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/CLAM_citations

We'll do it.

> It seems that CLAM+ANN is a popular topic of research ;) We currently have a
> very active user (zwelch, are you there? ;) working on this.
> And in the past we had a student doing a thesis on the topic. See:
> http://www.create.ucsb.edu/xavier/pfc/dsanchez.pdf

Thank you for the reference.

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