答复: [CLAM] again(just now code errors):problems with scons configure, thks

Yang Sujuan(杨素娟) yangsujuan at huawei.com
Mon Aug 18 23:28:46 PDT 2008

 Thanks a lot

I've installed mingw already and gcc works well.(According to the INSTALL
file I installed visual studio but I think scons error has no relation with

I uninstalled visual studio but scons still reports the same error:

scons:  *** No SConstruct file found.
File "D:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\scons-0.98.5\SCons\Script\Main.py", line
817, in_main

so, how to next?

Best Regards,
Yang Sujuan(杨素娟)

发件人: David García Garzón [mailto:dgarcia at iua.upf.edu] 
发送时间: 2008年8月18日 23:28
收件人: clam at iua.upf.edu
抄送: Yang Sujuan ("杨素娟"); clam at iua.upf.edu
主题: Re: [CLAM] again(just now code errors):problems with scons configure,

Visual Studio is not supported anymore. Install mingw.

On Dilluns 18 Agost 2008, Yang Sujuan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've checked with INSTALL under CLAM.
> Command "scons --help" works well. However, other scons commands like 
> "scons configure""scons"can not work. I have "cl.exe" with VC8(Visual 
> studio 2005)
> who can help to configure the ENV varibles?
> ps:my env   is Win XP SP2, with visual studio 2005, CLAM-1.0.0. And  my
> install directory is:
>  mingw\CLAM\
>  mingw\xercesc\
>  mingw\fftw\
>  mingw\...
> Best Regards,
> Yang Sujuan(杨素娟)
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