[CLAM] Debugging using Offlineplayer

Uğur Güney ugurguney at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 03:37:21 PDT 2008

# Hi,
# I was looking through some documentation and find a very useful tip
about debugging some variables.

# My processing class uses writes f0's to stdout:
std::cout << data << std::endl

# But when I run the network by the command (Mynetwork consists of 3
units. MonoAudioFileReader, SMSAnalaysis and myprocessing object which
writes the incoming fundamentals to stdout.)
./OfflinePlayer mynetwork.clamnetwork > debug.plot
# OfflinePlayer does not write the fundamental values to debug.plot.
(As I looked in its code, OfflinePlayer is just a simple wrapper which
takes a network file as an argument and runs the network.) debug.plot
only includes the output I pasted below.
# I tried to change the AudioFileReader with AudioSource and run the
OfflinePlayer with infile as second argument:
./OfflinePlayer ugur3.clamnetwork ~/Desktop/hicaz_dizi_4lu.wav > debug_off.plot
# .plot file is filled with .0 's.
# What should I do to run it properly?

# Using Prototyper or NetworkEditor
./Prototyper mynetwork.clamnetwork > debug.plot
# This time .plot file includes the f0 output!
# But the system runs only when there is an AudioSink. Can I run the
network without using an AudioSink?
# And second, can I stop all information messages? They fill the
debug.plot with unnecessary information, and I've to erase that lines
with a text editor, before plotting it with pylab.

# beginning of debug.plot
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM8SpectrumE shown as CLAM::Spectrum with color
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM17SpectralPeakArrayE shown as
CLAM::SpectralPeakArray with color lightcoral
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM7LPModelE shown as CLAM::LPModel with color orange
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM11MelSpectrumE shown as CLAM::MelSpectrum with
color seagreen
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM11FundamentalE shown as CLAM::Fundamental with
color sandybrown
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM11MelCepstrumE shown as CLAM::MelCepstrum with
color palegreen
Adding TypePlugin N4CLAM5AudioE shown as CLAM::Audio (Buffer) with
color lightcyan
Adding TypePlugin f shown as CLAM::Audio (Stream) with color lightblue
Adding TypePlugin St6vectorIfSaIfEE shown as Floats vector with color silver
Adding TypePlugin St6vectorISt4pairIffESaIS1_EE shown as Float pairs
vector with color thistle
Loading ugur.clamnetwork...
AudioSink::ConcreteConfigure(..) - buffer size: 0
BackendBufferSize() 1024
AudioSink::ConcreteConfigure(..) - buffer size: 0
BackendBufferSize() 500

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