[CLAM] Writing Control Data to a File in Network Editor

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.edu
Mon Jul 28 03:09:50 PDT 2008

On dl, 2008-07-28 at 12:55 +0300, Uğur Güney wrote:

> # I think I have to declare my own DataTypes. But is there a working
> example which uses a native DataType, like Audio or Spectrum?

Yes of course, "MyInputDataType" is any type the user want. It won't
compile as is.

If you want to use audio, use AudioIn|OutPort like this.

#include <CLAM/AudioInPort.hxx>
#include <CLAM/AudioOutPort.hxx>
CLAM::AudioInPort _in;
CLAM::AudioOutPort _out; 

You have an example here, but you probably don't need the "dynamic ports" part


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