[CLAM] Re: SMSTools crashes when loading SDIF

Anders Dahnielson anders at dahnielson.com
Mon Nov 10 00:26:25 PST 2008

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 09:21, Anders Dahnielson <anders at dahnielson.com>wrote:

> 1. Create a new configuration
> 2. Analyze the audio
> 3. Store analysis data as SDIF
> 4. Load the analysis data
> 5. Assertion fail:
> ##########################################################
> ################### ASSERTION FAILED #####################
> ##########################################################
> At file /usr/include/CLAM/Frame.hxx line 66
> You are trying to access attribute SinusoidalAnalSpectrum that is not Added
> or not Updated.
>  Backtrace:
> [0] /usr/lib/libclam_core.so.13(_ZN4CLAM13DumpBacktraceERSo+0x24)
> [0x2b155c977e80]
> [1] /usr/lib/libclam_core.so.13 [0x2b155c978088]
> [2]
> /usr/lib/libclam_core.so.13(_ZN4CLAM26ExecuteAssertFailedHandlerEPKcS1_i+0x27)
> [0x2b155c977af7]
> [3] SMSTools [0x4f7f51]
> [4] SMSTools [0x4c98c1]
> [5] SMSTools [0x5151a5]
> [6] /usr/lib/libclam_core.so.13(_ZNK3CBL8Functor0clEv+0x1a)
> [0x2b155c9ded94]
> [7] /usr/lib/libclam_core.so.13(_ZN4CLAM6Thread12LaunchThreadEPv+0x3d)
> [0x2b155c9defff]
> [8] /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x2b155e846037]
> [9] /lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x2b155e2bc25d]
> Trace/breakpoint trap
> When I saved the analysis data as XML and tried to load it I got this
> instead:
> pure virtual method called
> terminate called without an active exception
> Aborted
> My platform: CLAM 1.3.0 on Gentoo with Qt 4.4.2

Oh, by the way, I installed SDIF library from IRCAM and tried to use the
querysdif tool on the analysis data but it only returned this:

querysdif: SdifFRead.c:524: SdifFReadPadding: Assertion `Padding <= 1024'

Don't know if it's due to an error in the stored SDIF file in both cases.
It's beyond me.

Anders Dahnielson
<anders at dahnielson.com>
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