[CLAM] Clam-NetworkEditor compilation problems (ArchLinux)

Maciej Ciemborowicz moonkey at op.pl
Sun Mar 29 01:05:41 PDT 2009

> There should not be any QTDIR problem as long as Qt is installed with the 
> proper .pc files in /usr/lib/pkg-config or whatever place pkg-config program 
> expect them. You can try that by doing "pkg-config --list-all | grep Qt". If 
> that lists a bunch of Qt libraries, just undefine QTDIR and let pkg-config do 
> its magic.
QTDIR=/usr is essential, becouse pkg-config is pointing at qt3 which is 
in /opt.
> If no pkg-config file is provided, i guess that the proper QTDIR is the one 
> you are issuing but the QTINC, if it has some effect, should point to 
> /usr/include without the Qt/ part.
I changed QTINC. No results. It is strange, becouse directories are 
looking fine. Here is list of all qt(4) files:
> Notice that the wiki contains some instructions written by snollux on 
> installing in ArchLinux but even it says to define QTDIR it also says that the 
> NetworkEditor still was not working at the moment. But I know he succeded to 
> build it so, maybe such definitions were fixed later. I don't remember how, i 
> am sorry.
> Regards.
> David.
> A Dissabte 28 Març 2009 16:59:07, Maciej Ciemborowicz va escriure:
>> Hi. I'm trying to compile Clam-NetworkEditor on ArchLinux and I have
>> problems.
>> /usr/bin/moc -I/tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/aur-clam/clam/pkg/usr/include
>> -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/xerces-c-2/include -I/usr/include/alsa
>> -I/usr/include/QtCore -I/usr/include/QtGui -I/usr/include/QtOpenGL
>> -I/usr/include/QtXml -I/usr/include/QtSvg -I/usr/include/QtUiTools
>> -I/usr/include/QtDesigner -o
>> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/generated/moc_KeySpacePlugin.cxx
>> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/KeySpacePlugin.hxx
>> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/KeySpacePlugin.hxx:33: Error: Undefined interface
>> scons: *** [src/clamWidgetsPlugin/generated/moc_KeySpacePlugin.cxx] Error 1
>> scons: building terminated because of errors.
>> How am I compiling it? I'm declaring QTDIR="/usr" and
>> QTINC="/usr/include/Qt". Then:
>> scons install prefix=${pkgdir}/usr clam_prefix=/usr
>> qt_plugins_install_path=/usr/lib/qt/plugins/designer
>> What am I doing wrong? Here is some info about qt:
>> bash-3.2# yaourt -Q qt
>> ==> List all installed packages
>> extra/qt 4.4.3-5
>> bash-3.2# whereis qt
>> qt: /usr/lib/qt /usr/share/qt
>> bash-3.2# ls /usr/include | grep Qt
>> Qt
>> Qt3Support
>> QtAssistant
>> QtCore
>> QtCrypto
>> QtDBus
>> QtDesigner
>> QtGui
>> QtHelp
>> QtNetwork
>> QtOpenGL
>> QtScript
>> QtSql
>> QtSvg
>> QtTapioca
>> QtTelepathy
>> QtTest
>> QtUiTools
>> QtWebKit
>> QtXml
>> bash-3.2# find / -name designer
>> /usr/lib/qt/plugins/designer
>> /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer
>> /usr/bin/designer
>> /opt/qt/plugins/designer
>> /opt/qt/bin/designer
>> /opt/kde/lib/kde3/plugins/designer
>> /opt/lib32/usr/lib/qt/plugins/designer
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