[CLAM] TickExtractorExe - Error in xml file

aavila at libero.it aavila at libero.it
Tue Apr 27 02:03:43 PDT 2010

Could you explain (or link to a wiki) the meaning of the numbers of beats,
onset and tick, that i read in the three files created?


In fact, the real problem is an error in the xml file:
I report you the main string (translated into english):
" XML Parsing Error: prefix not bound to a namespace "

>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: aavila at libero.it
>>Data: 06/04/2010 12.15
>>A: <david.garcia at upf.edu>
>>Ogg: R: Re: [CLAM] ASSERTION FAILED in TickExtractorExe
>>Could you explain (or link to a wiki) the meaning of the numbers of beats,
>>onset and tick, that i read in the three files created?
>>>----Messaggio originale----
>>>Da: david.garcia at upf.edu
>>>Data: 01/04/2010 19.05
>>>A: <clam-users at lists.clam-project.org>, "aavila at libero.it"<aavila at libero.
>>>Ogg: Re: [CLAM] ASSERTION FAILED in TickExtractorExe
>>>Yes, i also got the same assertion. It was a serious bug but easily
>>>Here are the fixed files you need:
>>>A Dijous 01 Abril 2010 17:31:23, aavila at libero.it va escriure:
>>>> I post the result of executing TickExtractorExe in clam/examples:
>>>> Analyzing /home/alessandro/C++_projects/CLAM_PROJECT/01 - James Blunt -
>>>> You're Beautiful.mp3...
>>>> File Location: /home/alessandro/C++_projects/CLAM_PROJECT/01 - James 
>>>> - You're Beautiful.mp3
>>>> File length(ms): 213150
>>>> File sample rate: 44100
>>>> ################### ASSERTION FAILED
>>>> At file scons/libs/core/src/OutControlRegistry.cxx line 45
>>>> No out control named 'FirstTransientPosition'.
>>>> Try with:
>>>>  Backtrace:
>>>> [0] /usr/local/lib/libclam_core.so.1.4(CLAM::DumpBacktrace(std::ostream&)
>>>> +0x29) [0x7f5e6aee4e7d]
>>>> [1] /usr/local/lib/libclam_core.so.1.4 [0x7f5e6aee518e]
>>>> [2]
>>>> /usr/local/lib/libclam_core.so.1.4(CLAM::ExecuteAssertFailedHandler(char
>>>> const*, char const*, int)+0x2e) [0x7f5e6aee51e2]
>>>> [3] /usr/local/lib/libclam_core.so.1.4(CLAM::OutControlRegistry::Get
>>>> string const&) const+0x262) [0x7f5e6af10cf8]
>>>> [4]
>>>> /usr/local/lib/libclam_processing.so.1.4(CLAM::Processing::GetOutControl
>>>> (std::string const&)+0x27) [0x7f5e6b5f09db]
>>>> [5] /usr/local/lib/libclam_core.so.1.4(CLAM::SendFloatToOutControl(CLAM::
>>>> Processing&, std::string const&, float)+0x2d) [0x7f5e6af14bbc]
>>>> [6] ./TickExtractorExe [0x4d0362]
>>>> [7] ./TickExtractorExe [0x48ddd8]
>>>> [8] ./TickExtractorExe [0x45912f]
>>>> [9] /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7f5e68e73abd]
>>>> [10] ./TickExtractorExe [0x439409]
>>>> Trace/breakpoint trap
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>>>David García Garzón
>>>(Work) david dot garcia at upf anotherdot edu

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