[CLAM] Is this project still active (and still no Lucid packages)?

Mark Dammer clunymark at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 06:29:08 PST 2011

On 16/02/11 12:24, David García Garzón wrote:
> Me neither ;-)
> Just let me know if they are working for you or you got any problem.
This works awesome - particularly the realtime processing with the 
NetworkEditor ! I found one problem in the packaging: There is a 
circular dependency between cam-networkeditor and 
clam-networkeditor-examples. Whatever package you install first you get 
a "package not configured" warning. Strangely they do not show up as 
broken in Synaptic and they work.
I suggest that clam-networkeditor does not depend on the examples - 
although these examples are great, they should be optional.
all the best, Mark

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