[CLAM] Compile as Ladspa plugin

David García Garzón david.garcia at barcelonamedia.org
Wed Jan 18 07:15:32 PST 2012

Yep, that's a current limitation. We should make a way of avoiding infinite 
loops. Ladspa backend (the ladspa wrapper for networks) do not try to load 
ladspas, just because then you would load the ladspa wrapped network itself 
and you have a loop. Of course it could be broken, for example, by making clam 
avoiding loading clam based laspas (marked in some way), but anyway this is 
work to be done. Even thought you could try to modify the ladspa source and 
force a loading of the ladspas and see what it happens.


On Friday 13 January 2012 18:36:29 bart wrote:
> Hi,
> To the dev's: Thanks for the great SW. I've been a fan ever since SMS!
> I'm having trouble loading ladspa's that I compiled with NetworkEditor.
> Networks that don't contain other ladspa's work great. Networks with other
> ladspa's in them compile fine, but when loading the resulting plugin in a
> host (ardour2) I get the following error:
> CLAM LADSPA: Error while loading CLAM network based plugin
> 'The_plugin_I_compiled' Error creating a processing object of type
> 'The_plugin_in_the_network' which is not available. Plugin not loaded.
> This happens with any ladspa or ladspa_buffer plugin that I put in the
> network. I'm using the debian package, version 1.4.0-3.
> Any pointers? Can't find anything relevant on the web or the mailing list.
> Thanks for your time,
> Bart.
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