[CLAM] Help me please

Patrick Hobbis a2dme at live.com
Mon Feb 29 10:06:00 PST 2016

I have done some work with CLAM I really don't want to loose.

Also I want more extensive MIDI modules.

i.e. How to build a midi player,

Display/Record midi input

Display selected track

Compare input to selected track and score.

This is not complex stuff if we look at RoseGarden and Kmid the code is there.

I beg for some one to make CLAM work...Please oh please, I understand it and can use it, I just need some one to care, some one whom believes in what CLAM can do, It will remain Open Source on my end. One day i might be able to hire a programmer to make my commercial version, but clam has opened a door, i just can't loose...


Pat KARAJAM (tm)
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