> Um... maybe clam dlls should be installed at the PATH. I don't know for sure.<br>Bingo. The CLAMWidgets.dll file is dependent on the clam_core.dll file. I just needed to add my CLAM install path to my PATH variable. Thanks!<br>
<br><br>> I also guess that you can not see the SegmentationView but neither any other <br>> CLAM widget. Is that true or does it happens just with that widget.<br>Not a problem anymore as I was able to import my personal build of the CLAMWidgets.dll into my QT installation.<br>
<br>I've attached a file that contains the documentation of the process I went through to get everything compiled on Windows. I used the Wiki as a resource but there were a couple of things I had to do differently to get everything installed/compiled. Please feel free to use it on the wiki if you think it might help anyone trying to build CLAM on windows.<br>