[Clam-devel] Today's commits

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Wed Feb 7 11:57:19 PST 2007

Just few commits:

- Fix: Mono/MultiChannelAudioFileReader set the BeginTime in seconds instead 
of miliseconds. We have not found that this error has more implications 
beyond the tests (which were badly formulated). Thanks to James for the 
report. :-)

- We also got Unit and Functional tests running and passing on MacOS.

Besides that, not a commit but also interesting, we have spotted, at last, the 
annoying library links bug. The one that forced us to rebuild links to 
libraries when installing clam. Hopefully, tomorrow we can get rid of it.

Release 0.98 is very very near.

David and Pau.

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